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We Are

Our History


In 1894, laymen's meetings were held for several months in the old schoolhouse on West Boylston Street. During this time, Mr. Charles F. Rice was appointed as a committee of one to invite Rev. W.T. Sleeper to serve as pastor. Rev. Sleeper delivered his first sermon in July of that year. On July 6, 1894, a committee presented the following report, which was voted on and accepted:

"Believing that the residents of Greendale and its vicinity wish to establish provisions for public worship, religious

Originally founded by Scandinavian immigrants, Greendale People's Church (GPC) now reflects the changing demographics of Worcester County, though it largely remains a community of middle-class white families. We take pride in being a founding member of the International Council of Community Churches in 1950, established primarily to promote interracial relations.

Dedicated in 1896, GPC has experienced many changes over the years. Notably, the tornado of 1953 caused significant destruction, after which the church was repaired and expanded to include a chapel. Over the years, GPC has owned nursing homes, rest homes, a credit union, and a camp/conference center. Currently, our only remaining property, besides the church itself and two adjoining lots, is Selah, our waterfront camp in North Orange, MA.

For well over 100 years, we have been a solid presence in the Worcester community. We welcome both members and non-members to celebrate weddings, baptisms, and funerals at our facility. Additionally, two other Christian communities call our church their home.

Our building is a hub of activity, hosting a number of outside groups, including the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Greendale Head Start, a theater group, and the Worcester Regional Food Hub.


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(508) 852-7727

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25 Francis St, Worcester, MA 01606


© 2025 Greendale People's Church

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